
Mine Action

Last updated: 21 November 2017

Contaminated by: landmines (light contamination), cluster munition remnants (medium contamination), other unexploded ordnance (UXO), and abandoned explosive ordnance (AXO).

Kosovo cannot accede to the Mine Ban Treaty or the Convention on Cluster Munitions due to its political status


At the end of 2016, mine contamination covered 1.9km2. This was a decrease from the 2.5km2 reported at the end of 2015. However, the difference in in total mine contamination between the end of 2015 and end of 2016, both in terms of the number of confirmed mined areas and the overall area of contamination, cannot be explained or reconciled by area released by clearance. Just over 0.15km2 was cleared in 2016 with the destruction of 40 antipersonnel mines. No antipersonnel mine survey was conducted.

At the end of 2016, contamination from cluster munition remnants covered an estimated 15km2, a decrease on the 16km2 reported at the end of 2015. A total of 0.47km2 of cluster munition-contaminated area was cleared in 2015, and 0.12km2 was reduced by technical survey.

Recommendation for action

  • The Kosovo authorities should make a formal commitment to respect and implement the Mine Ban Treaty and the Convention on Cluster Munitions and to clear all landmines and cluster munition remnants as soon as possible.


Kosovo is contaminated by mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW), including cluster munition remnants, primarily as a result of the conflict between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in the late 1990s, and between FRY and NATO member states in 1999.[1]

The UN reported in 2002 that “the problems associated with landmines, cluster munitions and other items of unexploded ordnance in Kosovo have been virtually eliminated,”[2] however further investigation revealed considerably more contamination.[3]

Mines and cluster munition contamination prevent people from using land for agriculture, pasture, tourism, infrastructure, and collecting firewood, and most directly affect the rural poor.[4] Many of the minefields cleared by HALO Trust in Kosovo are only a few meters from occupied houses.[5] Kosovo is small geographically with a relatively large population, and cluster munition remnants often exist in close proximity to human activity.[6] In 2016, at the Doganaj cluster munition clearance task in Kaqanik municipality, Ferizaj region, HALO reported clearing BLU-97 submunitions around houses, farm land, grazing land, and woodland, as well as near a football pitch.[7]

Mine Contamination

At the end of 2016, 58 areas confirmed to contain mines remained, covering a total of 1.9km2.[8] This is down from 69 areas, covering 2.5km2, as of the end of 2015.[9] The difference in total mine contamination between the end of 2015 and end of 2016, both in terms of the number of confirmed mined areas and the overall area of contamination, cannot be explained or reconciled by area released by clearance.

Both antipersonnel and antivehicle mines were used during the conflict, in fixed-pattern minefields as well as more randomly in “nuisance” minefields. Many antipersonnel mines
had low metal content, making detection more difficult.[10]

Cluster Munition Contamination

At the end of 2016, contamination from cluster munition remnants in Kosovo was estimated to cover a total of 15km2 across 53 areas, according to the Kosovo Mine Action Center (KMAC).[11] This compares to the KMAC estimate of 16km2 over 55 areas at the end of 2015.[12]

NATO aircraft bombed 333 locations between 24 March and 10 June 1999 (Operation Allied Force), dropping 1,392 bombs that released more than 295,700 submunitions.[13] Forces of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) also used cluster munitions during the 1998–1999 conflict in Kosovo.[14] The failure rate of the submunitions was typically between 10–15%, resulting in tens of thousands of unexploded submunitions lying on and under the ground. A large clearance program followed in 1999 under a UN mandate, but this ended prematurely in 2001, leaving many cluster munition-contaminated areas still needing to be cleared.[15]

In 2013, HALO and KMAC conducted a joint non-technical survey of cluster munition strikes and minefields across Kosovo, with the exception of four districts in the north. The survey identified 130 confirmed hazardous areas (CHAs): 51 cluster munitions strikes, covering 7.63km2, and 79 mined areas over 2.76km2.[16]

In 2015, Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA), in coordination with KMAC and local municipality authorities, conducted non-technical survey of the four northern municipalities that were not covered in the 2013 HALO/KMAC survey.[17] The NPA survey confirmed 8.9km2 of cluster munition contamination in three of the four municipalities surveyed (Leposavic, Zubin Potok, and Zvecan). No cluster munition contamination was found in the fourth (Mitrovica North).[18] On the basis of available evidence, NPA believes that 83 cluster bombs were dropped in this region, dispersing a total of 17,041 submunitions.[19]

Other explosive remnants of war

Kosovo also remains affected by explosive remnants of war (ERW) other than cluster munition remnants. Most ERW consists of unexploded aircraft bombs (located mainly in the west of the province) and items of abandoned explosive ordinance (AXO). However, explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) teams continue to encounter items of UXO dating back to World War II.[20] Kosovo Protection Force (KFOR) EOD teams regularly dispose of items of AXO in response to information provided by the public and demining organizations.[21]

Program Management

KMAC, under the Ministry of the KSF, is responsible for managing clearance of mines and ERW. It prepares an annual workplan in cooperation with demining NGOs and coordinates operations of both the NGOs and KFOR. It also coordinates survey, quality assurance, risk education, public information, and victim assistance.[22]

Strategic planning

A 2015–2018 multi-year strategic plan for the Kosovo Mine Action Program aims to reduce the social, economic, and environmental impact of mines, submunitions, and other UXO in Kosovo.[23] Clearance of cluster munition remnants is not expected to be completed before 2024.[24]

Legislation and standards

Kosovo has a law on humanitarian demining, in addition to a number of other relevant regulations.[25] Kosovo has mine action standards in place, which are said to conform to the International Mine Action Standards (IMAS).[26]

Quality management

KMAC has two quality assurance officers who conduct site visits to ensure work is conducted in accordance with IMAS and the approved Standing Operating Procedures (SOPs).[27]


The KSF provide clearance capacity in Kosovo, including around-the-clock EOD emergency response.[28] NGOs have also been conducting land release of mined area in Kosovo, including HALO, the Bosnia-based Mine Detection Dog Centre (MDDC), and Mines Awareness Trust (MAT). However, neither MDDC nor MAT was operational in 2016, and no MDDs or mechanical assets were used in Kosovo during the year.[29]

The KSF reported that its capacity in 2016 remained the same as in 2015: it operated three platoons with a total of 75 deminers who are also trained for battle area clearance (BAC), and a fourth, with 25 clearance personnel trained solely to conduct EOD rapid-response tasks.[30]

HALO expanded its mine clearance capacity in 2016 to 100 operational staff, of whom 80 conducted mine clearance and the remaining 20 carried out BAC.[31]

In December 2014, NPA received accreditation to conduct non-technical survey for BAC, and subsequently conducted non-technical survey for cluster munition remnant-contaminated areas in July 2015.[32] NPA deployed one BAC team totaling eight operational staff from Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2016.[33]

Land Release (mines)

A total of just over 0.15km2 of mined area was released by clearance in 2016. No area was reported as reduced by technical survey or canceled by non-technical survey.

Survey in 2016 (mines)

No antipersonnel mine survey was conducted in 2016.[34]

Clearance in 2016 (mines)

KSF and HALO Trust cleared a total of more than 0.15km2 in 2016, down from almost 0.22km2 in 2015.[35]

Mine clearance in Kosovo in 2016[36]


Areas cleared

Area cleared (m2)

Antipersonnel mines destroyed

Antivehicle mines destroyed

UXO destroyed


1 suspended






10 cleared and 5 suspended












The KSF cleared one mined area in 2016, totaling 4,935m2, destroying two antipersonnel mines in the process. Clearance of the mined area was suspended at the end of the year due to the onset of winter and the consequent end of the demining season.[37]

While the area of land cleared by HALO Trust in 2016 (147,039m2) was the same as reported by both KMAC, HALO reported it had cleared 10 areas, and suspended 4, and that it had destroyed 37 antipersonnel mines and 25 items of UXO during clearance operations in 2016.[38] Despite focusing on confirmed mined areas, six of the 14 areas of land cleared by HALO were found to have no antipersonnel mines, though clearance was continuing in two of the suspended tasks in 2017.[39] HALO reported that a degree of evidence is always found from prior incidents, or mines found during survey of mined areas, and that while no complete mines were found during clearance, the teams generally encounter craters or component parts of detonated mines during clearance.[40]

According to KMAC, confirmed mined areas with high impact are prioritized for clearance.[41] Clearance tasks are selected from the high-priority areas where people are prevented access to land for cultivation and grazing, but also where communities are prevented from safely accessing wooded areas to gather firewood.[42]

Land Release (cluster munition remnants)

A total of almost 0.47km2 of cluster munition-contaminated area was cleared in 2016, and almost 0.12km2 was reduced by technical survey.[43] No area was reported as canceled by non-technical survey.[44]

Survey in 2016 (cluster munition remnants)

In November 2016, NPA started technical survey in Boljetin, Zvecan municipality, in northern Kosovo, reducing 118,500m2 prior to suspending the task for the year on 7 December, due to winter weather. During the survey, one submunition was discovered, on 6 December 2016. Follow-on clearance commenced on 28 February 2017, at the start of the new demining season, and a further nine submunitions were found and destroyed.[45]

Clearance in 2016 (cluster munition remnants)

The KSF and HALO collectively cleared almost 0.47km2 in 2016 with the destruction of 33 submunitions (see table below),[46] an increase over the 0.34km2 cleared in 2015.[47]

In 2016, the KSF released two CHAs by clearance and worked on three others that were suspended at the end of the demining season, clearing 247,213m2 in total. In the course of clearance, 15 submunitions as well as 396 other items of UXO, seven antipersonnel mines, and 25 antivehicle mines were destroyed.[48]

HALO cleared 217,830m2 of area containing cluster munition remnants in 2016, during which 18 submunitions were destroyed.[49]

Clearance of cluster munition-contaminated areas in 2016[50]


Areas cleared

Area cleared (m2)

Submunitions destroyed

Antipersonnel mines destroyed

Antivehicle mines destroyed

UXO destroyed






















According to KMAC, cluster munition-contaminated areas with high impact are prioritized for clearance, based on the number, location, and livelihoods of communities at risk, and also taking into consideration risk education and development. Clearance operations focus on areas confirmed as cluster munition-contaminated rather than on suspected hazardous areas (SHAs).[51]

Progress towards completion of clearance

Misinformation persists that mine and cluster munition clearance was completed in 2001, whereas the reality is that significant contamination remains to be cleared. Kosovo is a poor area, and needs economic assistance to help it complete mine clearance in a timely manner, otherwise completion risks being prolonged to decades after the end of the conflict.[52]

KMAC expects to complete clearance of antipersonnel mines in Kosovo by 2024, but it reported in 2017 that funding for NGOs may pose an obstacle to this completion date.[53]

Mine clearance in 2015–2016 and mine clearance/BAC in 2012–2014[54]


Area cleared (km2)













Note: * Includes mine and battle area clearance.

With adequate funding, KMAC and HALO now predict that clearance of cluster munition remnants will be completed by 2024.[55] This would be 25 years after the end of the conflict between the FRY forces and NATO and more than 20 years after the UN claimed that the clearance of the province was largely complete.[56]

HALO secured funding in 2016 that allowed it to increase the number of clearance teams. Handheld Standoff Mine Detection System (HSTAMIDS) was introduced to its program in 2015,[57] which HALO finds has increased clearance speed in almost all the minefields in which they have been deployed.[58]


The Monitor acknowledges the contributions of the Mine Action Review (www.mineactionreview.org), which has conducted the mine action research in 2017, including on survey and clearance, and shared all its resulting landmine and cluster munition reports with the Monitor. The Monitor is responsible for the findings presented online and in its print publications.

[1] See, UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), “UNMIK OKPCC EOD Management Section Annual Report 2005,” Pristina, 18 January 2006, p. 2; and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Explosive Remnants of War, Cluster Bombs and Landmines in Kosovo (Revised Edition, Geneva, June 2001), pp. 6 and 15.

[2] “UNMIK Mine Action Programme Annual Report – 2001,” Mine Action Coordination Cell, Pristina, undated but 2002, p. 1.

[3] HALO Trust, “Failing the Kosovars: The Hidden Impact and Threat from ERW,” 15 December 2006, p. 1.

[4] Emails from Ahmet Sallova, Head, Kosovo Mine Action Centre (KMAC), 12 April 2016; and from Andrew Moore, Caucasus and Balkans Desk Officer, HALO Trust, 1 October 2016.

[5] Email from Ash Boddy, Regional Director, HALO Trust, 29 April 2017.

[6] Andrew Moore, “Action on cluster munitions in Kosovo,” Side event, Convention on Cluster Munitions First Review Conference, Dubrovnik, 10 September 2015.

[7] Email from Ash Boddy, HALO Trust, 29 April 2017.

[8] Email from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 16 March 2017.

[9] Ibid., 12 April 2016.

[10] ICRC, Explosive Remnants of War, Cluster Bombs and Landmines in Kosovo (Revised Edition, Geneva, June 2001), p. 15.

[11] Email from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 20 February 2017.

[12] Ibid., 12 April 2016.

[13] ICRC, Cluster Bombs and Landmines in Kosovo: Explosive Remnants of War (Revised Edition, Geneva, June 2001), pp. 4 and 6; and HALO, “Action on cluster munitions in Kosovo,” 10 September 2015.

[14] Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Landmine Action, Banning Cluster Munitions Government Policy and Practice (Mines Action Canada, Ottawa, 2009), p. 238; and ICRC, Cluster Bombs and Landmines in Kosovo: Explosive Remnants of War (Revised Edition, Geneva, June 2001), p. 6.

[15] Andrew Moore, HALO, “Action on cluster munitions in Kosovo,” Side event, Convention on Cluster Munitions First Review Conference, Dubrovnik, 10 September 2015.

[16] Ibid.

[17] NPA, “Cluster Munition Remnants in Northern Kosovo: non-technical survey of contamination and impact,” September 2015; and email from Goran Peršic, NPA Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13 May 2016.

[18] Email from Goran Peršic, NPA Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13 May 2016.

[19] NPA, “Cluster Munition Remnants in Northern Kosovo: non-technical survey of contamination and impact,” September 2015.

[20] UNMIK, “OKPCC EOD Management Section Annual Report 2008,” Pristina, 12 January 2009, p. 4.

[21] Email from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 1 August 2012.

[22] Ibid.

[23] Ibid., 20 February 2017; and from Andrew Moore, then Caucasus and Balkans Desk Officer, HALO, 2 June 2016.

[24] Emails from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 20 February 2017; and from Ash Boddy, HALO, 29 April 2017.

[25] Emails from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 16 June and 3 July 2017.

[26] Ibid., 12 April 2016; and from Andrew Moore, 2 June 2016.

[27] Email from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 12 April 2016.

[28] HALO Trust, “Action on cluster munitions in Kosovo,” Side event, First Convention on Cluster Munitions Review Conference, Dubrovnik, 10 September 2015.

[29] Emails from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 16 March 2017.

[30] Ibid., and 7 June 2016.

[31] Email from Ash Boddy, HALO Trust, 29 April 2017.

[32] NPA, “Cluster Munition Remnants in Northern Kosovo: non-technical survey of contamination and impact,” September 2015.

[33] Email from Terje Eldøen, Country Director, NPA Kosovo, 4 May 2017.

[34] Emails from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 16 March 2017; and from Ash Boddy, HALO Trust, 29 April 2017.

[35] Emails from Andrew Moore, HALO Trust, 1 October 2016; and from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 12 April 2016.

[36] Email from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 16 March 2017. There is a slight discrepancy in the reported data, as HALO reported that it conducted clearance on 14 minefields (10 cleared and 4 suspended), destroying 37 antipersonnel mines and 25 items of UXO. Email from Ash Boddy, HALO Trust, 29 April 2017.

[37] Emails from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 16 March and 18 September 2017.

[38] Emails from Ash Boddy, HALO Trust, 29 April and 30 July 2017.

[39] Ibid.

[40] Ibid., 30 July 2017.

[41] Email from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 16 March 2017.

[42] Email from Ash Boddy, HALO Trust, 29 April 2017.

[43] Ibid., 20 February 2017; and from Terje Eldøen, NPA, 4 May 2017.

[44] Email from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 20 February 2017.

[45] Emails from Terje Eldøen, NPA, 4 May and 5 May 2017.

[46] Email from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 20 February 2017.

[47] Ibid., 12 April 2016.

[48] Ibid., 20 February 2017.

[49] Email from Ash Boddy, HALO Trust, 23 June 2017.

[50] Email from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 20 February 2017. Of the 362,916m2 reported by KMAC for HALO, 217,830m2 was BAC and the remainder was manual mine clearance. Email from Ash Boddy, HALO Trust, 23 June 2017.

[51] Emails from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 20 February 2017; from Terje Eldøen, NPA, 4 May 2017; and from Ash Boddy, HALO Trust, 29 April 2017.

[52] HALO Trust, “Action on cluster munitions in Kosovo,” Side event, First Convention on Cluster Munitions Review Conference, Dubrovnik, 10 September 2015.

[53] Email from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 16 March 2017.

[54] See Landmine Monitor and Mine Action Review reports on Kosovo covering 2011–2014.

[55] Emails from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 20 February 2017; and from Ash Boddy, HALO Trust, 29 April 2017.

[56] Email from Ahmet Sallova, KMAC, 16 March 2017.

[57] Email from Andrew Moore, HALO Trust, 1 October 2016.

[58] Email from Ash Boddy, HALO Trust, 29 April 2017.