
Mine Ban Policy

Last updated: 26 September 2019


The Republic of Chad signed the Mine Ban Treaty on 6 July 1998 and ratified it on 6 May 1999, becoming a State Party on 1 November 1999. National implementation legislation was promulgated on 26 August 2006.[1]

Chad has submitted an Article 7 transparency report every year since 2012.

In November–December 2009, Chad participated in the Mine Ban Treaty Second Review Conference in Cartagena, Colombia, where it gave an update on the status of its mine clearance deadline extension.[2] Chad also attended the Third Review Conference in June 2014 in Maputo, Mozambique.

Chad has consistently attended annual Meetings of States Parties, most recently the Seventeenth Meeting of States Parties in Geneva in November 2018.

Chad is party to the Convention on Cluster munitions. It is not party to the Convention on Conventional Weapons.

Production, transfer, stockpiling, and use

Chad is not known to have produced or exported antipersonnel mines. It completed destruction of its stockpile of 4,490 antipersonnel mines in January 2003. It destroyed 1,407 newly discovered stockpiled mines from 2003 to 2005.[3] Chad reported destroying another 11 stockpiled antipersonnel mines in 2007 but did not report details of the locations or sources of the mines.[4]

In all its Article 7 reports, Chad has reported that it does not retain any antipersonnel mines for training purposes.

In June 2009, authorities in Chad reported new use of antivehicle mines by unknown armed groups near its borders with Sudan and the Central African Republic, as well as the seizure of 190 antivehicle mines after a clash with an unidentified armed group.[5]

A few incidents involving antivehicle mines were reported in Chad in 2019.[6] Previously, several antivehicle mine attacks were reported in August 2016[7] and August 2017.[8]

It was reported in 2008 that smugglers had lifted and sold antipersonnel mines found in mined areas in Chad bordering Niger.[9]

[1] Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report, Forms A and J, 1 April 2007. For the text of Law No.28 PR/2006, see the ICRC website.

[2] See, Landmine Monitor Report 2009, pp. 281–282.

[3] Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report, Form G, 1 September 2006; and Landmine Monitor Report 2006, p. 274.

[4] Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report, Form G, 1 April 2008.

[5] Email from Saleh Hissein Hassan, National Mine Action Centre (Centre national de déminage du Tchad, CND), 7 May 2010; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Le Coordinateur Militaire du MRE, le GL Idriss Dokony Adiker a présenté aux Ambassadeurs et Représentants des Organisations Internationales accrédités à N’djamena, un lot de Matériels de Guerre saisi sur les mercenaries à la solde Soudan” (“The Military Coordinator of MRE, GL Idriss Dokony Adiker presented to Ambassadors and representatives of International Organizations a batch of war materials seized from mercenaries under the pay of Sudan”), 20 June 2009.

[7]Boko Haram landmine kills four Chadian soldiers,” Reuters, 27August 2016.

[9] See, Landmine Monitor Report 2009, pp. 588–589.